Holiday Adjacent

Displacement TV

June 22, 2023 Cheyne Hannegan Season 2023 Episode 21

Some interesting through lines,  concepts and facts fill this one out much like a Long John. Still better than an eclair, even on it's day.


Crap on the streets

More available homes than homeless


B Kinder Day - Billie Kinder

Reach out to your Billys

Acts of Kindness Content


Positive Media Day

Mr Beast, Upworthy, Good…Holiday Adjacent?

Scientific studies positive vs negative media


Limoncello Day

Origins & how to make 

National HVAC Tech Day

History of AC

Personal AC story


World Rainforest Day

Facts, fun, conspiracy, cool stuffs

The latest Reality Show - Displacement

The indigenous Man In The Hole


National Eclair Day

National Onion Ring Day